女性社員24人に大逆襲!!左遷された先は女性社員24人の会社で男性社員は3人だけ!女性社員ばかりだから美味しい状況も色々あって勃起の日々! これはそのうち良い事あるかも!?と期待していたら全くの勘違い!周囲からの風当たりは強くお荷物扱い!
24 female employees strike back in a big way! I was transferred to a company with 24 female employees and only 3 male employees! Because it’s all female employees, there are all sorts of delicious situations that give me an erection! I was hoping that something good would come out of this! But I was totally wrong! The people around me treated me like a burden!

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